Over the years, I've told colleagues and friends about things I have seen or experienced. Many times, people have said that I should write them down so that they won't be lost and forgotten, since some of them might be useful parts of our history. I've been writing them down, without being sure what I would do with them. I decided to gradually post them on this website, and see what reactions I get. I suggest reading from the bottom up (starting with the August 2017 post "The Meritocracy"). Thoughtful and kind feedback would be useful for me, and would help me to revise the exposition to make it as useful as possible. I hope that while you read my stories you will ask yourself "What can I learn from this?" I'm particularly interested in knowing what you see as the point of the story, or what you take away from it. Please send feedback to asilverb@gmail.com. Thanks for taking the time to read and hopefully reflect on them!

I often run the stories past the people I mention, even when they are anonymized, to get their feedback and give them a chance to correct the record or ask for changes. When they tell me they're happy to be named, I sometimes do so. When I give letters as pseudonyms, there is no correlation between those letters and the names of the real people.

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Election Subversion, Math Team Style

My first memory about elections was when I was too young to go to school, and my mother took me with her to the voting booth. She told me not to tell anyone that she was carrying into the booth a scrap of paper with a "cheat sheet" to remind her how to vote on the down-ballot candidates; she said that bringing such a thing was illegal. Was that ever really illegal, or did someone tell my mother that either erroneously or to intimidate her?

Another early memory is that my mother told me the philosophy behind not making it too easy to vote. If it's too easy to vote, then people who don't care about the issues, and haven't bothered to educate themselves about the issues or candidates, will be manipulated by others to vote the way they want them to.

On my high school's Math Team, I was the top scorer in my year. The kids in the year ahead of me were grooming me to be the team captain for my senior year. (In my junior year I was "co-captain", which was like Vice President.) The team expected that I would easily be elected captain.

The day of the vote, a group of guys who were not on the team walked into our meeting room and voted for a guy I'll call the Dormouse. There were enough of them that the Dormouse won.

When the team members protested, the guys asked us to show them a rule that said that only people who were on, or trained with, the team could vote. While we knew this wasn't fair, we had nothing in writing that gave eligibility rules for voting for Math Team captain. I was quite shaken by what felt like a coup.

We never saw Dormouse's posse again.

At a subsequent meeting, someone on the team pointed out that there was no rule that said we couldn't vote again, so we did so, and I won.

I wonder whether the Dormouse arranged to be elected so that he could state on his college applications that he was captain of the Math Team. He went on to become a philosophy professor, specializing in ethics.